Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Most Expensive Jewel. For Reflection

To have ambitions in a healthy way, means to want progress, but here in this story, we see something different: This man pretended to be noble and generous. He said to everyone: “I want to solve your problems” And with this line, he was taking possession of the money or the time of the poor.
Condemning them to a real hell, since they were captive of his loans. And this man, used to say: ” How noble I am, I have helped so many persons, I have solved all the problems that they were facing.”
But this was not true and in the bottom of his heart, he knew it. He would do anything, to glorify himself. In a certain occasion, he had read a strange book of powers, which said that if the person would put jewels in his heart, his life would be eternal. Then, he proceeded and every new day, he kept on adding jewels to his heart, while deceiving the poor and getting richer.
Nevertheless, he kept saying to himself: ” How noble I am “. And a day came, that he was wearing so many jewels, that he simply drowned. His assistants hurried to help him and tried many times to revive him, but since they couldn’t, they called the most experienced physician who said: “He needs a direct massage to the heart, we have to operate immediately.”
But, oh surprise! They found that he had no heart. Because of his ambition, he lost the most precious jewel, the jewel of his life, the jewel of love and compassion. The human jewel: The beating of the heart.
Author: Oscar Basurto Carbonell

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