Saturday, November 6, 2010

There is no Show Today

Let the small and big, laugh. Let the known and unknown laugh. Let the whole world laugh, the show must go on. Applause must be greater, a more defined laugh, laughs must sound like shouts. The whole world must fill with rejoicing. And the clown will laugh and laugh.

The curtain is closed. Since the poor heart can no longer pretend, he has to suffer in silence his weeping and bitterness.

-What happened to my tenderness, to my sweetness? What happened to those beautiful eyes that I fell in love with? silently cries the clown, although he wants to shout and tell everybody that he does not longer wants to laugh, that he wants to abandon life and to pull out his own eyes with his hands, because he no longer wants to see.

And the curtain opens again and the clown comes out saying many jokes, and making fun, and the public applauds and laughs. And the lights of colors, confuse a tear that secretly dries, but inside, becomes fire, reminding of a name, a presence, an essence that can't hide.

And the curtain closes and the heart runs to hide because he can no longer stand that. The public happily leave. Nobody knows, or would understand that the clown who was laughing before, is crying now in the darkness.

Oh my soul, of desperate heart, why did you fall in love with whom does not love you, what is the reason that love has these mysteries of producing pain?

Next morning, will bring a new show, the public will wait, the space will be completely packed, and people demanding that the curtain opens. And a song is heard, a voice that sounds a little drunk, says:

-Today, there will be no show, today there will be no clown, no laughs, no applause. The one who laughed, who used to make all laugh, is gone to a journey and he will not be back. That clown of happiness, died, his heart could no longer endure. Somebody was there in his final moment and shares his last words and moments with us. That clown was saying good bye to life and he was laughing and laughing because he could no longer silently cry. He died as every clown of love, of that illusion that did not culminate. Life is like a roulette, with misfortunes and sadness.

The clown is free of his torment, maybe of his madness. Tomorrow, the circus will open and another clown will be there and everybody will laugh. And nobody knows if another clown will die because of the illusion of love that will never happen.

-Art and Teachings to nourish your soul, based on the works of Oscar Basurto Carbonell

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